With huge number of available code decompilers out there on the internet, it is becoming more important day by day to hide our source code, so that...
IDEs on Cloud for productive dev life... · There are certainly many reasons why you should consider using an Online IDE. In Online IDEs all process run...
Almost everybody who has started coding knows Python programming language. Many of them with their first language as Python. Well, Python is a great...
About Me: Hey there 👋👋, I am Yaksh Bariya, a 14-year coder who is very much interested in technology. Today I am gonna show you TypeScript tricks...
Everyday, we hear a news that the server of X company was hacked. Some rich peoples' social accounts where hacked. Have you ever wondered, why such...
Today's quote I AM NOT DISCOURAGED BECAUSE EVERY WRONG ATTEMPT DISCARDED IS A STEP FORWARD ~ Thomas Edison Some facts about TypeScript TypeScript...