5 Reasons why I don't like Python

Almost everybody who has started coding knows Python programming language. Many of them with their first language as Python. Well, Python is a great language for starting out with programming, but still some people dislike the language.

Here are the 5 reasons why I don't like Python

1. No fullstops

In most of the languages out there, semi-colons ; act like fullstops. Unfortunately python doesn't have any other character for a replacement for a fullstop 😔fullstop.

2. Denying the existence of OOP principles

According to me, Python has been having a very bad language for learning OOP principles. Many of the principles such as Encapsulation, don't work with python.

Guido, creater of Python language never liked that's why it is like this.

Still you can implement Encapsulation in Python, look here (Encapsulation in Python)

3. No type safety

Python has no type safety. This means we can give any variable any type value.

Look at the following code:-

name = "Yaksh Bariya"

age = 14

name =  age # Python be like: All okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This can a huge problem working with large applications.

4. Lack of var keyword.

Although most of the people do not want such keyword. While assigning value to a unassigned variable, most programming languages give us an error ❌. But Python is against it, don't know why?

Even JavaScript in "use strict" will give us an error, but Python doesn't.

5. Syntax

I am like a rebel amongst all the developers here. In the recent time I am more interested in clean and readable code.

Python seems more readable until you don't start working on a real app with 1000s and 1000s of lines of code.

In other languages like Java, oe JavaScript we have braces which help us get which if statement or in which while loop we are, Python is not so good in this case.


Python is a great language to get started with. This post is just my personal opinion. I don't deny that Python is a very high level and modern programming language.